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Bitmap Image  |  1999-07-27  |  141KB  |  432x324  |  8-bit (89 colors)
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OCR: Roman general (300s) A tall crest an the helmet f cormmanding officer TUL throw ving spear made him visible froma called hasta. distance ns sold iers could follow him into battle The crests were The Rorran turic was made feathers af hors chair ar based on the chiton LOM by the Greeks Sold iers wore arr turics other under wore their The neck helmet guard and has abw men therm with a toga, and guard wore therm und e dra ped cloak called palla The versa tile tunic also served as pajamas! The Rorman legions were one of the most impressive fighting forres ir his tory. The legions hel lped Rorme conquer an ernpire that sparned frorn Britain to Arneria commanding This throwing ehair worn tunics armor ware quam then them clak verse alsaserved legiort rmost impressiy forces tary legiors canq empire ...